Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Fever

Spring. One of my favorite seasons. I'm so sick of wearing boots and stockings, bundled up in layers, I welcome it with open arms. All of the bright and pastel colors make me happy. I get excited walking by a store window, seeing all the beautiful, bright array of colors, wanting to buy that cute little cardigan in every color, except black.

And so I thought, it was a great time to introduce Dainty Button's "Spring Fever" pendants. This isn't something new. It happens to be one of my very first designs, but just doesn't seem to get old and those that are new faces always seem to find delight in this cute accessory piece. I wear them quite often and I do believe every lady, excluding a few, in my church has a collection of these and occassionally we'll all show up wearing them. They really are alot of fun. They go with everything! A t-shirt, sweater, blazer, even on a denim jacket. One girl I know put them on her purse. I personally wear them clustered together and every time I do, someone asks me, "where did you get your flowers?". They think it comes together. Amazing things happen when you grab a handful of cute little felt flower pendants and cluster them together : ) And so, I'd like to share with everyone! Enjoy! And yes, Dainty Button does provide them in every color!


My life story. I'm always late. I think I can only count on one hand, the number of times I've been early. On time? Yes, I've managed that. Early? The earth shook and angels sang the handful of times I actually was EARLY. Late should've been my middle name. I've tried numerous things to cure this problem. Setting my alarm 3 hours before I'm scheduled to be up, getting ready two hours before an event. I even tried sleeping in my clothes one time. Something always tends to pop up, resulting in me being late. I think it's hereditary. I was always a late student. Class, field trips, High School graduation. Yes, that too. I remember frantically rushing inside the door in cap and gown, almost killing myself in 5 inch heels, as my friends were waving me on to get in line. I still fight bitter feelings of not being the student with "perfect attendance". Shoot! If I got "punctuality" student of the year, I'd think I'd won the Nobel prize.

Once again, late today. I even set my alarm early and succeeded in actually getting up when it went off, instead of hitting "snooze" 5.5 times before I drug my body out of bed. I got my workout in. Ate my nutritious, healthy breakfast. A little devotion. And still late. Frantically pulling out of my driveway, my car squealing like a little mouse that's dying a horrible death. (Someday I will listen to my dad and get the belt changed.) And I am welcomed to rain. No, mist. Wonderful, California rain. The mi-, I mean rain, that results in drivers losing all sanity and risking killing everybody that takes the chance in taking to the roads. Rushing into work, I sit down and breathe. I might look like a halfway drowned rat, my socks don't match, actually, I think they're my brother's? I think I brushed my teeth this morning. Yes, I did. Whew! But, hey! I'm here! Better late, than never, right?

But is God really pleased with my tardiness? Is it being a good example and reflection of a good Christian? He's never late. Right on time and even early, but never late. So, if He can do it, running the entire universe, healing the sick, raising the dead, helping those in need, and the list goes on, why can't I be on time? My little morning ritual and busy schedule really dim in comparison to the Man upstairs. I think if He can do it, I sure can!

My First Blog

Well, I did it. I started a blog. I have no idea why I did this. Maybe because everybody else is doing it and I wanted to be cool. Or it could be because I love every opportunity to promote my new baby. Dainty Button (daintybutton.etsy.com). And it could be because I love to talk. I call it diarhea of the mouth. Either way, I'm blogging. Did I say that right? I need to research "cool" blog lingo. I have now added the 117th hobby, responsibility, task, whatever you want to call it, to my life. My crazy life. I barely have time to feed my two dogs. At least, I'm blogging about them. That's my display of affection for them today. And my family says I don't have time for them. I'm blogging about them! In my first blog, at that!

And now I will drag my poor aching body to bed, after sitting with children, who's parent's do not take time off during their Spring Break, oh wait, I was corrected today, Easter break, all day. All boys, but for one girl, might I add, that played with "My Littlest Pet" all day, even asking the one girl where they could get it. Hmmm.... I wonder if their dad's know about their fondness of those little pets? Spending my evening filling 2,000 plastic Easter eggs, yes 2,000, has me nursing a tummy ache after eating a whole bag full of Starburst that has probably caused 5 cavities. Tomorrow is a brand new, crazy day that I will take on with a cheery disposition, announcing the winner of Dainty Button's "Refer a Friend, Score Some Swag" contest, hoping I don't get mauled, maimed or receive hate mail with anthrax from angry ladies that do not win the swag I have offered as a grand prize. I should've known ladies get mean. Very mean, especially when shoes are being offered as a grand prize.
If you're reading this blog and find it strange or even airing on the side of retardation, please excuse me. They may or may not get better. G'nite all you blog followers!